Subject of the contractAcceptation of the C.G.V.
Any order placed with TRIVISION 3D implies full and unqualified adherence to these General Terms of Sale. Any contrary condition and in particular any condition of purchase of the Customer is unenposed to the company TRIVISION 3D . Any customer's reservations on this point will be deemed unwritten.
Any clause not stipulated in the context of these Terms of Sale will have to be the subject of an express agreement by triVISION 3D. The failure to avail himself, at any given time, of any of these Terms of Sale cannot be construed by the Client as valed by the company TRIVISION 3D to avail itself of any of the so-called conditions at a later date. TRIVISION 3D may modify, update or rectify these conditions if necessary to take into account legislative, regulatory, judicial and technical developments.
Contract subject
The terms and conditions of sale described below detail the rights and obligations of TRIVISION 3D and its customer in connection with the sale of service or production of goods related to the company's above-named business. The contract may be for the provision of consulting services, the acquisition of digital or material recordings necessary for the services ordered, the use, manipulation or creation of digital data, assistance in the management of digital data related in particular, but not exclusively, to the production of 3D relief images. The contract also covers the production of artistic works, but not exclusively. In the event that documents of any kind are entrusted to TRIVISION 3D by the Client, it will be up to the Customer to protect itself, if necessary, against the risk of loss or damage by ensuring or retaining a duplicate of all the elements handed over to TRIVISION 3D. TRIVISION 3D will in no way be held liable in the event of damage or destruction of any of these documents. The purpose of the contract is defined in the customer's written confirmation of the order in the signed quote. Any performance performed by TRIVISION 3D therefore implies the customer's full adherence to these terms and conditions of sale.
Confidencialite policy
Mauris velit leo, gravida non scelerisque vitae, hendrerit a nulla. Donec euismod massa nec massa dictum ac posuere risus sagittis. Ut in nibh urna, sed accumsan neque. Aenean eget enim and libero fermentum iaculis. Donec nec eros eros. Proin sit amet elementum nibh. Donec quis diam is, in tincidunt lectus. Sed sit amet odio tellus. Cras malesuada mi a mi suscipit sed tincidunt odio lobortis. Suspend potenti. Donec nec lorem odio. Ut elementum ornare commodo. Proin eu ipsum magna, ut posuere tellus. Hanging tincidunt is tincidunt arcu tristic had consequat orci bibendum. Sed iaculis ligula and dolor rhoncus pharetra.
Limitation of liability
Donec sed orci ut ipsum lobortis egestas sed fermentum metus. Aliquam congue is and tortor commodo suscipit. Morbi tristique mi vitae tortor fringilla bibendum. Fusce mollis massa non is facilisis that lobortis eros fermentum. Sed metus mi, faucibus id rhoncus sed, rhoncus id neque. Maecenas pretium mi ac turpis iaculis at accumsan felis tincidunt. Phasellus accumsan leo a purus congue quis pretium risus fermentum. In sit amet is quam, venenatis sagittis libero. Vestibulum gravida nulla id risus luctus vel vehicula arcu ullamcorper. Morbi bibendum, lacus eu scelerisque pretium, mi lacus feugiat nulla, eu solicitudin eros lorem ut nibh. Curabitur vel velit nunc, fringilla congue orci.
Customer support
Sed ut venenatis sem. Sed dui leo, viverra and shovel and, porta a velit. Nullam quis interdum lectus. Maecenas laoreet faucibus risus eu porta. Ut auctor nibh quis odio rutrum vel facilisis risus volutpat. Vestibulum justo mi, feugiat consectetur dapibus ac, tristic quis risus. Pellentesque vestibulum convallis condimentum. In feugiat felis vel lectus commodo condimentum. Quisque gravida, urna a pharetra rutrum, purus lacus porttitor sapien, pharetra pretium justo orci et erat. Nam vulputate orci and lorem feugiat non viverra odio vestibulum.